Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Book 35# - The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

I do so love a good con man. And Locke Lamora is a a con man extraordinaire  I thoroughly enjoyed this book, fun characters, witty dialogue, elaborate ruses, a dangerous foe, well-told flashbacks and some good world-building. 

Lynch does a fabulous job of building Locke and his gang of Gentlemen Bastards up and then completely tearing them down, to the point where one does wonder how the hell Locke will come out of this. But unlike so many fantasy novels, there isn't a nice handy deus ex machina to make things all better for them, it is strictly Locke's wits, that have gotten him into as much trouble as they've rescued him, that save the day, and that's the way it should be.

Definitely onto the second book.

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